Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear Husband

I hope your day is going well.

Last night was fun. It initially Blechh when we got to the first place but after we left (in just 20-30 mins) and got to the old crazy box, now called addiction, it was a whole lot better. Poor Ava's back was bothering her so I say with her in the restroom a few times.

Today we had a family BBQ again (I sent you photos in the Et Cetera blog) and it was very filling, as always. It's funny because I look around and everyone has a baby so to make myself feel better I grab their babies and it's like they're mine. I don't get my obsession with babies right now.

I also picked up some tickets from Zara earlier. She got me two tickets to the Sony Open and gave me our season tickets to The Butler Did It. It would be nice to watch the pros play buy I need to find out who will be able to go with me and will appreciate it. As for the theater, I'm sure Heidi will come with me.

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