I just got home from my 5mile run/walk. My left hip is slightly bugging me when i walk but it doesn't affect my running at all. Actually, if i walk in a slight sitting position then it feels so much better. Tomorrow i have a 2 mile run without stopping. WISH ME LUCK! Sometime before/after that i'm going to try that cycle class too.
Winson gets in tonight and Ava wants to go out but i'm not caught up with my work and I want to be well rested for tomorrow. I actually cannot believe that he's here. Oh! Ricky comes in a few days too. He called me earlier and said we'll all go golfing. I can't wait! I also went to Roger Dunn to do another club fitting before the 90 satisfaction ended. They said the clubs fit really well. I tried a few different clubs and ultimately mine were the best. I even hit at 217yards. We'll see though. Towards the end i was getting sloppy cause i got tired and started lifting my head. It was funny because when the guy called me out on it, I responded and said, "you sound like my husband". hehe.
I want you to know that I miss you a lot more today too. I was just thinking this morning that I feel like I miss you so much and was a little jealous that you're holding up so well alone. I noticed I spend less time moping around at the fact that I'm alone but I still think and talk about you like you're still here. I think it's because i still have your stuff laying around. Your shoes are still at the door and your post-it notes for the video games haven't been thrown away. As for your CD request, I'll try to work on it- what i mean is, i'll try to find or buy a blank one somewhere :) I love you.. i hope you have a warmer day