Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dear Husband

I'm really glad you seem to be feeling a lot better. I think it's the fact that you know that you'll be out of there and finally settled soon. I've been seeing posts from the boys that are still here and it's been bumming me out. That means someone else will have to go through this the way we all have. Have you heard anything about your room situation and if it's going to have internet?

I just got home from my 5mile run/walk. My left hip is slightly bugging me when i walk but it doesn't affect my running at all. Actually, if i walk in a slight sitting position then it feels so much better. Tomorrow i have a 2 mile run without stopping. WISH ME LUCK! Sometime before/after that i'm going to try that cycle class too.

Winson gets in tonight and Ava wants to go out but i'm not caught up with my work and I want to be well rested for tomorrow. I actually cannot believe that he's here. Oh! Ricky comes in a few days too. He called me earlier and said we'll all go golfing. I can't wait! I also went to Roger Dunn to do another club fitting before the 90 satisfaction ended. They said the clubs fit really well. I tried a few different clubs and ultimately mine were the best. I even hit at 217yards. We'll see though. Towards the end i was getting sloppy cause i got tired and started lifting my head. It was funny because when the guy called me out on it, I responded and said, "you sound like my husband". hehe.

I want you to know that I miss you a lot more today too. I was just thinking this morning that I feel like I miss you so much and was a little jealous that you're holding up so well alone. I noticed I spend less time moping around at the fact that I'm alone but I still think and talk about you like you're still here. I think it's because i still have your stuff laying around. Your shoes are still at the door and your post-it notes for the video games haven't been thrown away. As for your CD request, I'll try to work on it- what i mean is, i'll try to find or buy a blank one somewhere :) I love you.. i hope you have a warmer day

Miss you

I miss you more today than I have since I left. Not sure why, I think it has to do with a song that was playing in one if the tents. I'm not sure of the name but it is on your list and says "fuck you" in it. I wouldn't mind getting your playlist on CD so I can listen to it. The cold and speed of the days here makes time go by fast, but I am starting to get used to it. I don't need to be away from you to be reminded how amazing you are an how much I truly love you, that is just the one bonus of being away. Hope your day goes well, back into the tundra.