The day went by really quickly! I can't believe its almost midnight and I've done nothing much but clean, have some sister-neice time, and clean some more. My plan was to actually sit in on that cost accounting class but as I got ready for the late class I realized that today is a holiday and so there's no session today! DOH! Anyway, I did some re-planting since i took out all the cilantro and green onions. I think I may stop planting those from now on and will just buy them. I want to plant things that will grow and can be picked without having to plant again. Those darn tomatoes didn't grow... I didn't read the instructions thoroughly... i guess I was supposed to germinate and plant when they had at least two leaves. oh well.. I may need to buy some more. My chili peppers, kale, and mint look amazing and I can't wait to try the kale. I actually tried the mint and chili today and it was so worth the growing pains of waiting. I made summer rolls and spicy garlic sauce!
I'm hoping to be able to catch you online tonight since I haven't heard from you yet. Skype is so tricky because it tends to say you're online and the next minute it says you're off. Regardless, I know you're busy so chime in on my ipad or the laptop if you want. I may be asleep but i don't mind if you wake me :)
oh yeah, Foxi just had a trim (you know what) because she had a little dingleberry this morning which she decided to drag across the living room. haha! be glad you didn't clean that up :p