Saturday, December 31, 2011

NYE @ Kinh & Amy's

Meet Calvin.. This cat loves me (btw, he's the largest cat i've ever seen!)


Hi Joaquin. Love Kinh, Maya & Amy

Channel didn't want to take a picture until she found out it was for you

You can ride him!

A red smooch from Aunty Anna

Last one for me!

There was only one, ONE on the shelf and it was the hot one too. I think the commissary wanted me to think of you. I plan on sitting down by myself at your computer chair picking out the ones I like and wonder about how many times we've shared pickled okra together

Meet Gaga

Heidi Bought a pair of shoes that look like a vagina! It's funny because it was near the door where the wind was blowing and the lips were flapping. Haha!

I love you

I love you, hope this works :)