Wednesday, January 11, 2012

what's that smell?

I forgot to mention to you that I had a weird obsession with perfume today at the store. I sprayed my coach one on that we both love and I also sprayed a new one of coach (poppy). I didn't like the Poppy at first but the rest of the day I couldn't help but smell myself and think you would love it too. It's more sweet and is really pleasant just like the other one. I may just get it one day.

Anyway, i'm writing to you right now because I was cleaning up again and came across your cologne while dusting. The tip of the cologne didn't smell anymore so i decided to just to a quick spray on my shirt and at first I missed you so much but i'm almost at the point now that I have a headache. I guess I may have squirted too close to my nose.. Foxi seems to love it though. She's all up on me!