I got the new USAA cards in the mail today... not sure if you wanted me to mail this out to you but i'll go ahead and activate both of them and wait to hear from you about whether or not you want it sent. I have another late class tonight and will be finished around 8ish. The plan is to do my 6miles after the class ends. It'll be late so either Ala Wai (since it's well lit) or the gym (which kinda sucks for running).. i think i'll take the dark route and keep my eyes open for zombies and bad people.
I still haven't heard from you so i'm hoping everything is okay. I got an email about a hard landing report but that soldiers were okay. I doubt you were on that but regardless, i'm glad no one was hurt.
I also did some re-potting today. The kale is growing so fast now and it's too much for one pot so I separated them in two pots... they're looking really good but depending on how big they flower, i may have to re-pot again! I'll take a picture for you next week since they're a little limp looking from the move.
I have to get going to class. I love you and will be thinking of you. *kisses*